Music The Gathering

Original trio

Collect the original Music The Gathering trio.



Collect the stealthy captain of team red. Rogue class, with multiple weapon uses, medium to high level lyric knowledge, and extremely high levels of crowd-surf ability during her solos - a must-have to conquer many challenges.

“I’ll keep the beat…and all of your gold.” —-Azia


Collect the woodland keeper of team green. Druid class, dual weapon choice, high level lyric knowledge, and high levels of clever witticisms - a strong collaborator with future MTG edition players. 

“Let my people grow” —-Liv


Collect the band brawler of team blue. Fighter class, with multiple weapon uses, medium level lyric knowledge, and high levels of tomfoolery - a valuable play in the music games to come.

“Why raise an army when you could start a band?” —-Marco


Buy all three